
What is data capturing

What is data capturing

As a business, you're like a magnet for data from all sorts of places. Imagine your company is a busy airport, and data are planes coming in from everywhere. You might see:

  • PDF files zooming in from partners (like flight statements from airlines if you're a travel wizard, or trade documents from all over the globe if you're an international trading superstar).

  • Emails flying back and forth, both inside your team and with folks from the outside world.

  • Forms filled out by your amazing customers, either on paper (old school style) or online (welcome to the future!).

  • Tracks left by visitors on your website and app, kind of like digital footprints, collected by cool tools like Google Analytics.

  • Videos from your meet-ups with potential and current customers – it's like having a highlight reel!

  • Chat histories between your super-helpful customer support team and your customers, solving problems and spreading smiles.

We could go on and on, listing hundreds of data sources, like pieces of a giant jigsaw puzzle scattered all over the place.

But let's circle back to the big question: What's data capturing? Imagine it's like gathering all those planes in our airport analogy, then organizing and storing them in hangars so they're ready to fly again when needed. In simpler terms, data capturing is all about collecting, tidying up, and storing data so that it's easy to find and use later. Having all your data scattered in different spots and formats, like a messy room, isn't ideal. For instance, trying to get insights from a mountain of emails or PDFs buried in your Outlook or Gmail feels like looking for a needle in a haystack. You need a smart system to gather everything (emails, PDFs, and more) and keep it neat and tidy.

This guide is here to make the whole "what is data capturing" thing clear and simple, breaking down its benefits, challenges, and how it works in a friendly, easy-to-digest way.

Understanding Data Capturing

Imagine data capturing as a magical net that scoops up all sorts of information from here, there, and everywhere. It's all about grabbing, sprucing up, and neatly tucking away data from different spots. This magic trick helps businesses and fun clubs (a.k.a. organizations) turn everything from scribbles on paper to digital doodles into something super neat and ready for action.

Now, picture this: a bill of lading (it's a super important paper for shipping stuff around the globe) like the one in the image below. It's packed with info but in a bit of a jumble.

This is a picture of bill of lading. A document that is heavily used in global trading and an important document in freight forwarding.
This is a picture of bill of lading. A document that is heavily used in global trading and an important document in freight forwarding.

Data capturing is like a wizard that zaps the document into neatly organized data like what you see below. Or, if you love keeping things extra tidy, you can line it all up in rows and columns in a table:

{ "BillOfLadingNumber": "3411000", "Shipper": { "Name": "King’s Rook", "Address": "1160 Research Blvd.", "City": "St. Louis", "State": "MO", "Zip": "63132" }, "Consignee": { "Name": "JOHN ALABAMA", "Address": "450 ALABAMA STREET", "City": "MONTGOMERY", "State": "AL", "Zip": "36101" }, "Carrier": "ABF FREIGHT LINES", "FreightChargeTerms": { "Prepaid": false, "Collect": true, "ThirdParty": true }, "PackageDetails": [ { "Description": "UN3841 Lithium ion batteries contained in equipment.", "PalletQuantity": 1, "Weight": 146.03 } ], "CODAmount": "5.00", "FeeTerms": { "Collect": true, "CustomerCheck": true }, "Signatures": { "ShipperSignatureDate": "", "CarrierSignaturePickup": "" }, "CargoReceiptDate": "01-05-2024" }

See? Now the data is as clear as a sunny day! It's a breeze to look through, sort out, and dig up golden nuggets of insights.

Or imagine you're running an online travel agency where travelers can just snap a pic of their passport instead of typing out all that info. Picture handing over that photo to your data capturing spell:

An image of passport to show how data capturing of passport happebs
An image of passport to show how data capturing of passport happebs

And voilà! You get back all that important info, organized and ready to go.

{ "PassportType": "P", "IssuingCountry": "CAN", "Surname": "MARTIN", "GivenNames": "SARAH", "Nationality": "CANADIAN", "DateOfBirth": "01 AUG 1990", "PlaceOfBirth": "OTTAWA", "DateOfIssue": "14 JAN 2023", "DateOfExpiry": "14 JAN 2033", "PassportNumber": "P123456AA", "Sex": "F", "Authority": "GATINEAU", "MachineReadableZone": { "Line1": "PPCANMARTIN<<SARAH<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<", "Line2": "P123456AACAN9008010F3301144<<06" } }

How Data Capturing Works

Generally we can capture data and organize our unstructured documents in 2 way: 1- Manual Data Capturing. 2- Automated Data Capturing. And which method does a wise person choose in tech era? It’s obvious!

Manual data capturing has a lot of drawbacks. It is very slow and labor-intensive. Also human can make mistakes. Although manual data capturing has a lot of cons but it is still being used in some use cases. When your unstructured data is very diverse and you need human level intelligence, you have no way but getting help from humans to do data capturing. But in most of the cases (Probably 99% of cases thanks to recent advances in AI technology), you can automatically do data capturing with the help of machines.

There are different modalities of data. Most important ones are:

  • Text

  • Image

  • Video

  • Tabular Data

Tabular data is already organized. But text, image and video should be converted to some kind of tabular of JSON formatted data so that we can analyze it easily and store it in a more organized way. Videos are simply a lot of images stacked together. So if we can understand text and image and convert them to structured data, we can claim that we have solved data capturing problem.

Automatic Text Data Capturing

Throughout history, researchers and engineers have proposed various methods for extracting information from text and organizing it, reflecting the evolution of technology and the growing complexity of data processing needs. Here's a look at some key methods and their proposed dates:

  1. Keyword Searching (1960s): One of the earliest techniques for text information retrieval. It involves searching documents for specific words or phrases. While basic, it laid the groundwork for more sophisticated text analysis methods.

    Pros: Simple and straightforward to implement.

    Cons: Limited by the exactness of search terms; misses nuances and related content not containing the specific keywords.

  2. Boolean Search Logic (1970s): An extension of keyword searching that allows users to combine keywords with operators (AND, OR, NOT) to refine search results.

    Pros: More flexible and precise than simple keyword searches.

    Cons: Still relies heavily on user input and understanding of the database structure; can be complex to construct effective queries.

  3. Vector Space Models (1980s): Represent documents and queries as vectors in a multidimensional space. The similarity between documents and queries is calculated based on the cosine similarity between their vectors.

    Pros: Allows for ranking of search results based on relevance; can capture some semantic relationships.

    Cons: High computational complexity; does not fully capture the nuances of human language.

  4. Natural Language Processing (NLP) (1990s to present): Encompasses a range of computational techniques for understanding and interpreting human language. It includes syntax analysis, semantic analysis, sentiment analysis, and more.

    Pros: Can understand complex language nuances, context, and even emotions; enables more human-like interaction with technology.

    Cons: Requires large datasets for training; can be challenging to understand and predict all nuances of natural language.

  5. Machine Learning and Deep Learning (2000s to present): The use of algorithms that can learn from and make decisions based on data. Deep learning, a subset of machine learning, uses neural networks with many layers to analyze text data. The well-known ChatGPT uses this technology for understanding text.

    Pros: Can automatically detect patterns and insights in large datasets; improves over time as more data is processed.

    Cons: Requires significant computational resources; models can be opaque and difficult to interpret ("black box").

Each of these methods has contributed to the advancement of text analysis, enabling businesses and researchers to derive more meaningful insights from textual data. As technology progresses, these methods continue to evolve, offering ever more sophisticated tools for understanding the vast and complex landscape of human language and communication.

Automatic Image Data Capturing

Moving from text to images, automatic image data capturing is another realm where AI shines, offering solutions to understand and extract meaningful information from visual data. Let's dive into how this innovative approach works and its applications.

Automatic image data capturing leverages computer vision and deep learning technologies to analyze images, identify patterns, and extract pertinent information. This process involves several key steps:

  1. Image Preprocessing: Enhancing image quality to ensure that the subsequent analysis is as accurate as possible. This might include adjusting brightness, contrast, or removing distortions.

  2. Feature Extraction: Identifying and isolating specific characteristics within the image that are relevant to the analysis. This could be anything from text within the image (using OCR) to recognizing shapes, faces, or objects.

  3. Classification and Recognition: Assigning categories to objects or features within the image based on previously learned data. For instance, differentiating between a photograph of a cat and a dog.

  4. Data Conversion: Transforming the identified features or objects into structured data, such as tabular or JSON format, for easy storage, retrieval, and analysis.

With the current state of the art technologies like GPT-4 Vision, we are now able to simply give our AI model an image and ask any question. You can see an example below:

Image Data Capturing - GPT4 Vision

So what are applications of automatic image data capturing? You can see some of its applications below:

  • Document Digitization and Management: Converting physical documents into digital formats, making them searchable and editable.

  • Retail and Inventory Management: Recognizing products from images for inventory tracking, price comparison, and shelf arrangement.

  • Healthcare Diagnostics: Assisting in diagnosing diseases by analyzing medical imagery such as X-rays and MRIs.

  • Agriculture: Monitoring crop health and pest activity through aerial images taken by drones.

Enhancing Decision Making through Data Analysis

With a solid foundation of accurately captured and structured data, businesses can leverage advanced analytics and AI tools to gain deep insights into their operations, market trends, and customer preferences. This rich data landscape supports strategic decision-making, driving growth, enhancing customer satisfaction, and fostering innovation.

Challenges in Automatic Capturing of Data

Despite the clear advantages, the path to effective data capturing is not without obstacles. Challenges such as ensuring data quality, navigating privacy regulations, and managing the complexities of integrating new technologies into existing systems must be addressed. Overcoming these challenges requires a thoughtful approach to technology adoption, a focus on data security, and a commitment to continuous improvement.

In conclusion, the journey from manual to automated data capturing, particularly in the realms of text and image data, marks a significant leap forward in how we collect, analyze, and leverage information. As technologies continue to evolve, so too will the methods and applications of data capturing, promising even greater insights and efficiencies in the future.

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